Do I have direct experience in using one? NO, but I do have experience in hearing them. I have to say that they aren't the best things in the world that I've ever heard. Not the absolute worst either, but that's just a matter of degree.
Power handling ability. That is so variable that it's almost funny. It depends entirely on how the thing is constructed and tuned. Most claims are just so much fertilizer. Back to that 'how it's tuned' thingy, there's a lot of variations in that. You can bet that the manufacturer did it's absolute best in every possible way to optimize their antenna's performance. It's very doubtful if the average user could even get close to that. Most people just don't have the knowledge and resources to get more than 'close'. But then, sometimes 'close' is good enough, you know?
There are a few things that apply to all bands/frequencies. With antennas, that 'thing' is that the closer you can get to a 1/4 wave length the better off you are... when you are talking about antennas shorter than a 1/4 wave length. There are definitely some longer than 1/4 wave length antennas that will out perform a 1/4 wave in most cases. That's absolutely normal.
Another thing that applies to all antennas is that a 1/4 wave length depends on exactly what frequency/band you are talking about. The lower you go in frequency the longer that 1/4 wave is. At some point, it just isn't too practical anymore for a lot of reasons. Is that a good reason not to use lower frequencies? Nope, just be aware that the 'lower you go' the more compromises you will have to make.
Have you gotten 'lost' yet? Oh well... happens to everybody.
- 'Doc