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Anytone AT-5555 Plus computer connection


New Member
Mar 13, 2024
I have connected my rig to both a Windows 11 and Windows 10 PC with the Anytone cord. When trying to download the current config, the download stops very near the end but then errors with the message"Runtime Error 6 Overflow". Any ideas?


I believe this was discussed before but was with the very early production stryker 955 version 2. I never encountered it but others here did. Maybe someone will chime in.
I guess I’m confused. If you buy that radio from a place that does good tech work shouldn’t it be ready to talk right out of the box? Or even at that that it should come aligned pretty good from the factory. If the conversion is a simple button push then you can do that yourself and again it’s ready to talk. What is a computer “update” going to accomplish?

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