What makes you think this is related to the tiny hole in the mic body? This is not the 1960's where radio's ship keying 2.5 watts at 60% modulation.
What does having to turn the radio up to 14 to get to 4 watts with forward swing have to do with anything? What is next if your guitar amp dial goes up to 11 or 12 instead of 10 does that make it weaker or more power than one that stops at 10?
If your modulation is a ratio dependant on hole size than a larger hole will fix everything!
Just slap a D104 on it that will solve everything!
The AT-6666 and Pro are not a Cobra 148 or a Galaxy or a Stryker 955. Nuance is a thing. Nothing your other non-AT-6666 Pro radio's do behavior wise has anything to do with how that specific radio behaves.
Have you read the owners manual yet? Have you adjusted the mic gain? Have you made sure that the mic selected matches the mic installed? I am assuming you can select dynamic or electret but that is assumption on my part.
Have you seen the tiny mic hole in every cellphone made in the last 10 years?
If the AT-6666 Pro is largely an upgraded version of the AT-6666 people have been modifing them for over 10 years but last I checked no one has shared any of the audio mods on this forum but I am not a reglar here.
I went and looked and as far as I could tell this is either a totaly different PCB or heavily modified. That said I am sure it has similar layout seldom do companies toss the baby out with the bath water. So if you can get anyone that has modified the tx audio chain to post the mod for the older unit I am sure it would help with the new unit. Almost all of this companies radio's and the ones they make for other companies branded for them share a lot of DNA.
The problem is not the mic it is the audio chain meaning something probably a bumch of capacitors values need to be altered maybe a filter or resistor as well. They are all surface mount. All of the people that sell these "modified" for hundreds more than you can buy a stock one for have no interst in telling you how to reduce their ability to eat!
Even in the old days the real magic was not slapping a power mic on the radio and cutting a limiter and cranking up the modulation.
I would imagine that if the modification like old school "Gold FInger Mod" exists for this radio or the older version it is not on this site. It is probably on a CB/Amp Builder site behind a pay wall!
I would start with this though and see if you can figure it out if they are similar or not?