"reasonably accomodated via commercial means?"
I'm sorry, but what has that got to do with anything? Is there anything that hobby radio does that isn't possible to do through some other commercial means? Using APRS I put together a means of doing the same thing that 'Delorme's 'Street Atlas' does. 'Delorme's thingy was sure cheaper, but I feel good about being able to put something like that together that does almost exactly the same thing. It does what I want to do, and ~I~ did it. Not that anyone else can't do the same thing if they want to. Makes for a very nice sense of accomplishment. Besides, I think it's fun.
I don't think I'm going to sell all my radio stuff just because a cell phone will do the same things. 'They' are copying 'us', not the other way around.
- 'Doc