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Switch Kit

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
I've seen a scam on this mic but it seemed a lot different , anyone know what tracks I would add wires to on this one with a new cord ?

all i have that is not on storage is a tug9 same but more wires. i might get a tug8 dug out by the weekend but its no different, just less wires.

Wow !! Thanks very much for your time Carl , looks like a great help to me !! IM just a little taken on the black wire to the first post of this old monster ,there's a cap and a resistor on it and it looks as if the old wire went to the end of the resistor ? being black which is usually receive ,still gives me something to go on all the same. Much thanks
anytime, i like to explain with pictures as i feel its easier to understand. i was wondering about the mods that were done on yours, the resistor should go to the white wire (audio) to aleviate the impedence mismatch. the capasitor is installed to help reduce rf feedback into the audio amp from the radio. usally i install a snap t-choke at the terminal end of the radio or an electrolatic style cap, not a ceramic one like they have. all works the same though its just the ceramic style are rare in the correct value in store at radioshack.
now you might see where IM a bit confused , the schem I have also has the black wire going to the first track , IM still thinking the white audio wire more then likely goes to that track with the the cap and resistor on it ? This mic was a yard sale special ,(5.00) it had no cord on it , I had taken the head apart and the MC-320 cartridge was clean as can be , had a buddy swap heads on his mic (just like yours in the pictures) and the head was fine. I didn't have my digtal that day to take a few shots,you took care of that (-: . From looking at the mic ,I realize the Tug-8s are a bit older and this one still had the relay/electronic switch on it,from looking at it ,it looks as if the bottom half might have been sitting in water for a time ? I found alot of white powder (water deposit) under there. Very lucky the head was good and not a total lose if I can't get the old monster running. The water (if that's what it was) shouldn't have hurt anything , all the parts on the little amp look good to go. I will attempt to try and improvise by your pictures Carl at leasts one more time before I throw in the towel. Your pictures are great !! and the time you took to take the shots and place them on the site was very much appreciated. For what I paid and the head/cartridge still being good as it is , I still feel somewhat a "head" all the same. Bringing older radios and mic's back to life is a real treat for me,IM no expert ,but I get lucky from time to time. (-: thanks again Switch Kit (Your pic's make this a great thread Carl , if somebody else might need to wire one of these beasts, the pictures and schem's should help a great deal)
i should be heading down to duluth on friday or saterday so i can look in my bins for one of my tug8's if that helps.
I got it go'in !! totally different wiring , The volume control is shot )-:(I tried like hell to clean it with control cleaner but IM thinking the water must have destroyed it?) the audio is there for sure but it quickly disapates,turning the control back and forth the audio seems to catch but only to disapate. hopefully maybe ? my local electronics store will have something that will work for me in a volume control.News at 11
looks like IM going to have to find another source for getting that v-control ....wonder what the numbers are on it ? maybe i could improvise .hmmm
Switch Kit,

I cant send a picture of mine dont have a camera that will do that but im gonna try and scan the schem. and post it sorry it took so long to respond.
Switch Kit ,

I tried to scan it but no luck sorry. I am going to compare the picks and see if there are any diferrences with what I got.
Oh Hey Sarge !! Thanks lots dude !! I think with Carl's pic's and what not , I've pretty much got it under control now , looks like the V-Control on this one is dead to the world , IM sure it got wet and rusted , now I just need to find a replacement for that and I should be good to go. If I knew what the stat's were on the switch I could just drill a hole on the base and use it like that.The E-Store didn't have any at all matching the D-104's. Much thanks here Sarge for helping all the same. SK
i tried to find the value of the pot but i ran out of idea's. only think i can think of is if someone were to un solder the leads temporarily and check the resitance with a multi-meter. i for the life of me cannot find mine sence i moved a year and a half ago. perhaps soneone else could do it, we just need to get close as there should be enough range for what most people would use, hell even at twice the restance you would be fine because cranked would be about 1/2 of normal and i hate it if someone cranks them over that. they dont get louder they just bring in more background noise.
It turned out that my perticular model was the first one on CBT's list of mic's , figures (-: ,(When I first went there in the first place ,I think I saw where it said Night Owl and totally passed on the link and that turned out to be it on page 3 of the file,it even explained the cap and resistor) now if I could just figure the value of the volume control. Thanks again gentelman. SK CBT's D-104

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