Having wound up with a dead dynamic element on my HR2510 mic, (no replacement) I decided to try a small electret element salvaged from an old cordless phone (good for parts!)... The response was not too good on AM but SSB was not too bad :mellow:
I was wondering if there is a way to in crease the sensitivity overall on this element? I also tried a Heil type element from an old Motorola HT and it was about the same as the electret element.
Drop in replacements to fit the original mic for the 2510 are hard to find...
I was wondering if there is a way to in crease the sensitivity overall on this element? I also tried a Heil type element from an old Motorola HT and it was about the same as the electret element.
Drop in replacements to fit the original mic for the 2510 are hard to find...
