Just a couple of thoughts, not 'great truths' by any stretch of the imagination, just things that seem to be sort of 'constant' from playing with antennas for a long time. "Your millage may vary."
About the only really effective way of stopping radiation from an antenna from going in all directions at points close to that antenna (close usually equals several wave lengths) is by electrically shielding the antenna in the undesired direction(s). Or by redirecting that radiation to some other direction that is more desirable. In other words, distance and shielding. Distance cuz that radiating field isn't always 'strong' in all directions, and cuz if you can get it far enough away from whatever is receiving that unwanted radiation, that 'whatever' thingy won't hear it anymore. Shielding cuz it blocks at least some of that radiation from getting past it. If that 'some' gets small enough the 'whatever' thingy doesn't hear it anymore. Sort of like how large the screens on your windows are, big holes let littler bugs in, smaller holes in that screen stop the little bugs too. Make that screen's holes small enough to stop all bugs and you then have to change the name of that screen to 'window' and just shut it. Which can lead to other problems. Wheeuu, sort of 'extreme' even for an exaggeration, huh? Yeah, but still true to some extent. The other side of that is don't 'shield' the antenna, shield whatever is getting 'bugged' by it, which is sometimes a lot easier, sometimes not. (And then, the whole purpose of an antenna is to radiate. Making it less efficient in what it's sole purpose in life is, is sort of non-productive, ain't it?) The simple truth is that you will never stop that radiation getting to things that don't like it. The only total solution to the neighbors not getting RFI is distance and/or a reduction in power... or just by them 'better' stuff.
Anything wrong with 'playing'/experimenting with antennas? Nope! Just don't get hung up on something to the point where you won't/can't 'accept' the results of that 'playing'. And don't assume things that you can't really substantiate/prove. It's also a good idea to sort of think about things before making an unchangeable 'modification'. But it's your wallet, right? Making mistakes is and is not a really dumb way of doing things. Mainly cuz 'foresight' ain't never as good as 'hindsight'.
Ever get the feeling that you've heard any of that before? Oh well, me too.
- 'Doc
Sorry, woke up early, can't sleep, figure this'll at least put me back to sleep...