So I've been a little bored lately and decided to log in to the qrz forums and see what they are crying about today. Well much to my surprise I found a statement from someone, doesn't matter who, that was complaining that certain ham bands were getting as bad as cb with people cussing each other out, etc.
Will someone please tell me what these ham bands are that this gentleman described? I would love to go check them out and perhaps give someone a thorough cussing followed by my callsign as is required. If necessary I would even be willing to upgrade my class of license just to partake in this fun.
Thank you in advance.
Will someone please tell me what these ham bands are that this gentleman described? I would love to go check them out and perhaps give someone a thorough cussing followed by my callsign as is required. If necessary I would even be willing to upgrade my class of license just to partake in this fun.
Thank you in advance.