Answer for electrically is another 5/8 as vertical as possible. Provides max low angle gain and closest to a balanced feedpoint load.
Not sure about the others.
Well that interesting the resan am asking is long time ago i had a bog stranded 1/2 wave silver rod type approx 20 feet up,
i decided push it up to over 45 feet up (may be more it was a long time ago)
and it needed some guys, so i think i can have the first part wire and have them as ground planes (3 no) The roll of wire i had was long so i made them the same length as the silver rod so 1/2 wave
Well when it was up all the stations all say i must be running power of 30 to 50 watts when in fact it was only 7 or 8 watts
The thing was i did not know if it was the hight alone, or the ground planes helping a lot as i did both mods at the same time.
The one thing that made me think that the ground planes help a lot is that a town approx 35 miles away had anther station dead in-line with it from me but 10 miles closer.
His antenna was approx the same hight as mine except it was a SIRIO 5/8 wave the one with 12 radials and the coil in a jam jar so you can see it LOL and i always matched or beat his signal
He never believed the power i claimed to be running
But i am in the open
So if wire full size ground plans work so well why don't we see more of them on home modded antennae as they are much easy to play with than a ridged 1/4 wave stuck out
Has any body else had findings like this ?