Hello i purchased a 200 mA analog meter testing my 148gtl i tested my final driver it works perfect,when i test the bias driver it pins the meter all the way any help would be great.
Hello i purchased a 200 mA analog meter testing my 148gtl i tested my final driver it works perfect,when i test the bias driver it pins the meter all the way any help would be great.
Says direct connect no shunt need it.If you purchased an analog meter FACE it most likely has no shunt so you will have to provide one. Do you know the FS- "Full Scale" current it usually is 1mA if so then approximately 10 Ohm 1/2 watt resistor but this may not be deadly accurate and would help to have a bench meter with current measuring ability to calibrate
pegs my meter on the bias driver side but final bias side i get acurate reading.Gonna try this again; eh? Good; never give up!
First of all, you test in in either USB or LSB mode; not AM. Goes for the driver as well as the final. Second, be sure to turn down the mic gain to zero. Lastly, put the radio on CH19. Then you can key the mic and test.
why not fixed all the radios i have thanks to everybody here .Gonna try this again; eh? Good; never give up!
First of all, you test in in either USB or LSB mode; not AM. Goes for the driver as well as the final. Second, be sure to turn down the mic gain to zero. Lastly, put the radio on CH19. Then you can key the mic and test.
its aIf you purchased an analog meter FACE it most likely has no shunt so you will have to provide one. Do you know the FS- "Full Scale" current it usually is 1mA if so then approximately 10 Ohm 1/2 watt resistor but this may not be deadly accurate and would help to have a bench meter with current measuring ability to calibrate
Is this just a panel meter? If it is you might cause more damage by using it. If you have a Harbor Freight near by get one of those elCheapo DVM's they sell or go by Sears and buy on of those. You need to have a meter that has Multiple Meg Ohms per volt impedance.Hello i purchased a 200 mA analog meter testing my 148gtl i tested my final driver it works perfect,when i test the bias driver it pins the meter all the way any help would be great.