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Big Battery...



I found a battery I am gonna run....I just need your opinions

There is a local guy around here that has a shop called the battery man..

He has hundreds on golf cart and bus batteries and automotive..

Ranging from 2400 cca to well the biggest was the 4400 cca...

2400 was $25 and 4400 was $30

He first showed me the 3400 and 4400 cca batts and then he said I know what you need..

And he pulled a towel off these big huge 8000 cca batts ....The darn things weigh over 200 lbs and were foot and half long

He only had 2...

The best thing about it is that he said $75 a peice...but he said if I buy both $50 each

So I am gonna buy both of them..

He also said that these batteries are used in $100,000 rv's and busses.

And that they cost over $1000 new...

And he offers a warranty too.

What do you think?

A good deal...should I use one or both...

I dont know too mcuh about this kinda stuff...but I do know that is one hell of a battery.

Would it be good to run these with a Motor maul...? they are gell type...


I found a battery I am gonna run....I just need your opinions

There is a local guy around here that has a shop called the battery man..

He has hundreds on golf cart and bus batteries and automotive..

Ranging from 2400 cca to well the biggest was the 4400 cca...

2400 was $25 and 4400 was $30

He first showed me the 3400 and 4400 cca batts and then he said I know what you need..

And he pulled a towel off these big huge 8000 cca batts ....The darn things weigh over 200 lbs and were foot and half long

He only had 2...

The best thing about it is that he said $75 a peice...but he said if I buy both $50 each

So I am gonna buy both of them..

He also said that these batteries are used in $100,000 rv's and busses.

And that they cost over $1000 new...

And he offers a warranty too.

What do you think?

A good deal...should I use one or both...

I dont know too mcuh about this kinda stuff...but I do know that is one hell of a battery.

Would it be good to run these with a Motor maul...? they are gell type...

The biggest batteries I've used is called a "D8". It's used in offroad equipment and tractor tarilers (I'm a diesel mechanic). You can get them for around $150. new. That sounds like what he has according to the size dimentions. They are NOT $1000.00!!!!!!!!
ahhh...why go halfway?if you're gonna do it...do it right

I saw that in another thread. Is that out of an elec. pallet jack or what?

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