I'd like to ask a very "related" question.... even if it exposes just how much of a "novice" I am in this field....... I'll take the hit to get the answer.
If you can fully align your radio such that:
1) you can measure and calculate dead key RF power at some level (I don't care... 4 watts, 5 or 6, you pick!), and
2) you can show that modulating audio is clean, distortion free, and approaching 100% without exceeding, and
3) you can show that particularly 2nd harmonics are down as far as they can go
does it really matter what average power or PEP are? I know it may sound like I am trivializing the issue but if the radio can do the basic things for which it is designed then as long as you can put it on an antenna and make contacts.... does it really matter?
And, to be sure, I am not in any way, knocking anyone who wants to know...... I'm just curious about this simple point....
"If it is well set up for basic functionality, can you really push it for better AVG or PEP without negatively affecting the basic alignment?
Thanks in advance for helping the "education" continue.