This means that They are no longer members of this forum.
The individuals banned last night have had numerous opportunities to fit in here on the forum, and even after that, they continued to create problems so they have been banned.
This forum was created for it`s members to share Ideas and discuss the topic of radio, Amateur radio, CB Radio, FRS Radio, MURS and a almost endless list of radio related topics.
The above mentioned former members constantly chose to go off topic, insult other members, start heated augments about topics that were not radio related, or start topics that only served to create problems on the forum.
We want to focus on radio, and changes have been made to help further that here.
There are other forum`s available on the Internet for people to argue about Politics, Religion, and other controversial topics.
We Really do want to keep this a great place to talk about and share Info on all different types of radio and radio related hobby`s.