With a NPN transistor used as a final in a cb radio can someone tell me what each of the pins are soldered to? Emitter, base and collector.
Thank you for your help,
Long Night
Thank you for your help,
Long Night
Thank you for the reply. I don't know much about schmatics. Can you tell me the name of the part each final pin goes to?
Thank you nomadradioUmmm, okay.
Holding the part with the markings facing you, and the leads pointing down:
Left is the base terminal. The input.
Center is the collector. The output.
Right is the emitter. Usually connected to a ground foil on the circuit board. This is true for the driver and final, but smaller-size transistors that drive the driver transistor use a different hookup for the emitter.
Thank you again sir!!!The center pin and mounting tab (both are the Collector, or output) should have around 12-13v. The left pin (Base, or input) should be 0v in Rx, and between 0v and up to 0.7v in Tx. The right pin (Emitter, or Ground) should be 0v always.
Thank you again sir!!The center pin and mounting tab (both are the Collector, or output) should have around 12-13v. The left pin (Base, or input) should be 0v in Rx, and between 0v and up to 0.7v in Tx. The right pin (Emitter, or Ground) should be 0v always.