Hello, I am new to this forum and am seeking help..
I am fairly new to the CB world, I drive a truck and have used a crappy dying cobra 29 for over a year and finally got sick of no reception and poor sending.. So I went out and got a new rig..
General Lee - From RadioActive Radios
Predator 10k 9" shaft standard uncut whip (so far)
Astatic 636L mic
Firestik Firering coax 19’ with steel mounting bolts and an aluminum mirror bracket
This is on/in a freightliner, mounted on the top mirror bar.. I have made double sure all coax and mounting stuff is grounded and supplying correctly.. The issue is I cant seem to get my SWR's lower then a 1.9.. I first mounted the antenna at a 10 to 15 degree angel forward due to how high strait up is (still 14' 5" at 15ish degree tilt forward). I was getting 1.9 on 1 and 1.7 on 20 and 40. Tonight I adjusted the antenna back about 20 degrees cuz I was hitting bridges and am still getting a 1.7 on 1 and 20 and a 2.0 on 40.. So there was a change from front to back, but sorta conflicting info.. From what that tells me is forward it needs to be longer and back needs to be shorter? I have not tried the antenna at an upright angel cuz its just way to tall if I do that.. So Im kinda not sure what to do.. I also ran a ground strap to the mounting bracket tonight and didn’t make a difference on the SWR meter at all.. Oh yeah, Im using a Road Pro SWR meter..
I hope that someone might be able to give me a pointer and where to look to get my SWR's down some more..
I am fairly new to the CB world, I drive a truck and have used a crappy dying cobra 29 for over a year and finally got sick of no reception and poor sending.. So I went out and got a new rig..
General Lee - From RadioActive Radios
Predator 10k 9" shaft standard uncut whip (so far)
Astatic 636L mic
Firestik Firering coax 19’ with steel mounting bolts and an aluminum mirror bracket
This is on/in a freightliner, mounted on the top mirror bar.. I have made double sure all coax and mounting stuff is grounded and supplying correctly.. The issue is I cant seem to get my SWR's lower then a 1.9.. I first mounted the antenna at a 10 to 15 degree angel forward due to how high strait up is (still 14' 5" at 15ish degree tilt forward). I was getting 1.9 on 1 and 1.7 on 20 and 40. Tonight I adjusted the antenna back about 20 degrees cuz I was hitting bridges and am still getting a 1.7 on 1 and 20 and a 2.0 on 40.. So there was a change from front to back, but sorta conflicting info.. From what that tells me is forward it needs to be longer and back needs to be shorter? I have not tried the antenna at an upright angel cuz its just way to tall if I do that.. So Im kinda not sure what to do.. I also ran a ground strap to the mounting bracket tonight and didn’t make a difference on the SWR meter at all.. Oh yeah, Im using a Road Pro SWR meter..
I hope that someone might be able to give me a pointer and where to look to get my SWR's down some more..