To anyone that has a Chase credit card be sure to keep an eye out in the mail. I received a Change in Terms Notice today that says they are going to more than double my interest rate from 7.99% to 16.74%. They give you an OPT OUT option, But doing so will close your credit account with them. You will be responsible for paying off your balance at your current rate. There is one catch, Even if you OPT OUT over the phone they still need to receive a letter from you by December 19, 2007 otherwise even your closed account will be charged the new rate of 16.74%. If you are already paying a higher interest rate with them it will not go down. This change only effects those with an interest rate lower than 16.74%. It amazes me how these credit card companies are screwing people. There are many people that are not going to even look at these notices and by the December 19, 2007 deadline will be paying a ridiculous APR with no hope of making it lower. I hope by me notifying people will help some of you out.