If you have only one mike, Murphy's Law puts it onto the list of suspects.
AM and SSB transmit modes use totally separate modulator circuits. A problem that only shows up on AM or just SSB points to parts of the radio that are not shared by both transmit modes.
And if the audio level is poor for BOTH AM and SSB, this points to audio circuits that are shared by both.
This radio is 43 years old. That alone means that many of the electrolytic capacitors have gone way past their "use-by" dates.
This is where mileage counts. But there's no odometer reading to tell you how many thousands of hours of running time this radio has seen.
If it's 50 original miles, fresh out of the factory carton all those parts could be okay.
And if it was used heavily there will be multiple failures. Low mileage works in your favor.
Do you have another mike? Or another radio that uses this type mike? Seeing that mike work on another radio would remove it from the list of suspects.
Troubleshooting is a logical process of elimination. Finding what's broke by first finding out what's still working, step by step.