Pg 7 starts "I.F. Filter Passband Improvements:"
Rather than reproduce it here and change the IF and carrier oscillator frequencies to match I'll leave the math to you.
In short, yes you can do this by ear,
for the initial diagnosis.
Then you need to place the opposite carrier oscillator where it belongs.
It's not rocket surgery but it is brain science. Read and understand what the process is (ignoring the frequencies) before you start and you may not have to do it multiple times (like me) to get it right. I tend to miss a sign, decimal place, transpose numbers or something equally brain dead. I know what I want as a result so I eventually get it right. Every once in a while I get it the first time (when it's not my radio) and feel like I'm cheating the customer (until I remember all the times it took me hours to get it right).
Just the one rule of thumb with a caveat. Get the carrier too far away and it gets not only buried in the hiss but is annoying to the point of migraines . Get it too close and the signal gets muddied not only by the bass response but the noise blanker and the AGC loop acting on cycles below 180Hz that do nothing for intelligibility but hammer the AGC.
Most any SO42P/AN612 8719/2824C chassis can benefit from the 1N5817 mod but if the radio is aligned as in the above it will be hard to tell. The radio's internal noise floor will be a bit lower and the detected signal will be a bit higher allowing you to avoid some of the inherent distortion of the amp-on-chip audio mess that accompanies and cripples all these radios. In the end it's a wash. My equipment can tell the difference but in practice my ears can't .
Thought I'd include some personal truth to the process so I look like the hack I am, so it isn't so daunting a task to a novice, as an apology to all those I charged real dollars, and possibly make someone smile.
Many Thanks to Mark, WB8JKR for the compiled knowledge that I've used so often (credit where credit is due ya know)
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