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Cobra 29 LTD Classic


Active Member
I've been reading up on peaking and increasing the modulation on this radio and have a few questions.

one process reads:
cut D11 or adjust VR4 (mod) (I am not cutting D11)
adjust L14, L13, L12

another process I read is:
tune L10, L9, L8 for max power (discrepancy between the L coils named above)
adjust VR4 (mod)

I have also read that a coiled wire needs to be spread.

What is the best and most widely recognized way to increase modulation and have the radio deadkey 2 watts and swing up (on the stock driver) ?


With a 2 watt key and a swing to around 25 pep watts you should have all the modulation you will ever need. I myself like to use this formula. Your peak power divided by 4 equals the key you should have to achieve 100 % modulation ( 25 pep watts / 4 = 6.25 dead key ) Don't spread any of the coils however, this only fools your meter into showing more power because of increased harmonics and that's the same thing that will happen if you clip the modulation limiter. But remember that if you turn the modulation adjustment all the way up then you are pretty much causing the same result as clipping the limiter.

If you want the radio to be clean but loud then i would just do a little fine tuning to it with out clipping this and that.
okay, I opened the radio and it seems the guy I purchased this from has had a coil near the rear spread. Seems like it was spread only in the middle into two equal halves but not every coil spread individually. I guess a tech can undo that at least I hope so. I wasn't able to find info specific to my 29 LTD Classic although the site recommended to me had almost every other 29 listed. I think I'll send it to a tech.

SmackDown said:
okay, I opened the radio and it seems the guy I purchased this from has had a coil near the rear spread. Seems like it was spread only in the middle into two equal halves but not every coil spread individually. I guess a tech can undo that at least I hope so. I wasn't able to find info specific to my 29 LTD Classic although the site recommended to me had almost every other 29 listed. I think I'll send it to a tech.


Some radios come like that from the factory.
Librium said:
SmackDown said:
okay, I opened the radio and it seems the guy I purchased this from has had a coil near the rear spread. Seems like it was spread only in the middle into two equal halves but not every coil spread individually. I guess a tech can undo that at least I hope so. I wasn't able to find info specific to my 29 LTD Classic although the site recommended to me had almost every other 29 listed. I think I'll send it to a tech.


Some radios come like that from the factory.

This is true :)

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