Just to help...
Your LX model has Weather, - look above, there is a Transistor from the main Front panel - that has a wire from it, to the Junction of Tr9's Collector and TR10's Base...
IT can kill your receive because when WX alert hits, or the front panel commits a fart, the programming of the RSW switch - it can blow shorted from triggering...too many times or a failure in the Switch circuit itself - being TR25...
Remove the Wire from the RSW hole on the main PCB - if Receive NOW works , your have a bad TR25 being fed from the the front panel - and it's controlled by a transistor on the front panel PCB - may not be worth the effort to try and fix it yourself.
Just remove TR25 if you don't care for WX to interrupt your day...
You'll have a Receive though.
The Radio will also have WX - just not the ability to "inject" a tone and blare out the speaker when you're listening to the CB side when an alert comes on the WX channels
WX works like a Monitor function - the RSW wire - being removed, stops the Monitor - but you will have WX if you switch to the WX to listen for the forecasts and any alerts.
There is also a "feeder" resistor - being that your voltages are low, this same TR25 can blow the Resistor that biases these two parts (TR9 and TR10) and that is R32...1.5K although it shouldn't be the problem child, this Resistor can blow or cause a load condition on TR25 - and make it blow.