Maybe. It depends on the extent of the damage. Sometimes all that gets smoked is the reverse polarity diode. If that is the case it is an easy fix. You can check it out if you are brave. All you will have to do is cut the diode shown in the picture below and power up the radio and see if it works.
If you have an ohm meter, after you cut the diode, check for continuity from the negative lead to the positive lead at the power plug. If a simple diode test shows short or very low resistance, don't power up the radio. Take it to a shop. If it shows high resistance, continue.
Please, use a fused power wire. A 3 amp fuse is plenty. You may blow that fuse if you try and transmit with it if it is modified, but 3 amps will help prevent further damage.
Please, if you do this, don't accidentally hook it up backwards testing it or you will have some serious repairs if you don't already.
If you find that this is the only problem, acquire a 1n4003 or similar diode from radio shack and replace the one that is destroyed with it. If you only cut the existing one, and never replace it, you will have eliminated the reverse polarity protection and the next time it happens the damage will be greater.
One other thing. I like to replace the diode with one that will provide more protection. A 6 amp diode will protect the radio and all that will happen will be a blown fuse if the fuse is less than 6 amps. Much easier to fix. I install the new bigger diode right on the power plug like Galaxy and the exports do.
Good luck,