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Cobra 29 - Still Learning


Apr 8, 2012
Colfax, IN USA
Greeting’s to all Radio Heads
I have a few questions please. I recently bought a used Cobra 29 LTD Classic CB. I liked that classic look, no bells, no whistles, and no changing colors.
1. DYNAMIKE – I don’t get this. If I understand EBay ads for higher end Cobra external speaker’s ,500 I think; that have “Talkback” feature included; this will enable talkback without an internal board? I have a 300 series now that I bought to use with a Cobra 18.
2. RF GAIN – Sort of a boost? Crank it up and things get louder including hiss and static. Used to pull in weaker signals?
3. DELTA TUNE – hmm? Fine tuning maybe? Don’t see that it does much so far.
The Cobra manual I looked at online doesn’t explain these things too well. Any insight would be appreciated.
Truck drivers are not too keen on conversing with the general public. They are often the only ones on the radio though. I can ask for a radio check over and over and just get silence. If I hand the mike to the wife they perk right up. “She sounds cute” “Where’s she at?” That female voice I guess. I am left wondering if my radio is working, ha.
I miss the scanning feature when using the 29 Classic. Can this be added? I bet that dude in Arizona that builds starship CB’s could do it huh?
Those people on 6 are something else.
I read this forum often and regularly, thanks for the info.

Dynamike = mic gain, makes you sound louder or softer. Run 3/4 open.

RF Gain = adjusts the level of receive, keep it cranked.

Delta Tune = is a frequency clarifier for AM, worthless feature.

A Cobra 29 cannot be made to scan, you will need a processor controlled radio to do that.

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