This is my first post on the forum and hopefully someone will have had a problem like mine and can help me. I do apologize that I do not yet know the terminology so please be gentle if I ask a bunch of questions to any replies.
I installed a Cobra 29LX radio into my Tacoma today and ran into an RF Power Output Fail during the self test feature. First, let me run through my setup:
I have a 4' Firestik which is the NGP model. My Tacoma has a composite bed, so this solves my ground issue.
My radio has not been tweaked or modified for performance, however, I did do something to the radio for my application. I wanted to do a remote face in which I mounted the face of the radio/front board into one of the pockets in my dash and then have the actual radio unit under the driver's seat. I used Cat6 cable to accomplish this. My wiring was connected using Dolphin connectors for approximately 100 of the connections, the remainder of the connections were soldered. I checked each connection with my multimeter for continuity and everything came back fine.
After I extended the radio I powered it up using a quick 12v lighter adapter just to see if the unit would power after all of my work which it did. I built a plate to mount the radio in my truck and it's now installed and I'm pleased with how it looks.
I followed the instructions in the owners manual to set the calibration by adjusting the knob to get the SWR basically to the edge of the meter on Channels 20, 1 and then 40. When I check my SWR in each of those channels it registers below 1.5 (1-2 notches illuminate on the display). I had decent reception in my driveway which has some trees, and could clearly hear on multiple channels, including people who were claiming they were from Texas (I'm in MA).
Now, I ran a self-test on the radio and when I did that I pass the power (Test 1), fail the RF Power Output (Test 2) and pass the Antenna Test (Test 2).
I did some reading and didn't really understand much of what was being said. I did connect a PA speaker to my PA speaker output and was able to hear myself. I have not done a transmit yet to see if anyone can hear me as I don't have anyone local I'm friendly with that has a CB. I'm not looking to be a regular CB user but my thought is it's a truck, it should have a CB and when I go to the Cape I don't get great cell service so if I'm on the beach it's a good idea.
My thought is that maybe one of the wires I extended somehow came loose. I did have one of the wires come off of the soldered connection but I was able to strip back the insulation, reflow the solder and it held.
I guess what I'm hoping for is a direction to go in if need be. From what I've read if I can use the PA, I'm in okay shape as far as something being broken on the radio, but I'm not sure.
Thanks for reading!
I installed a Cobra 29LX radio into my Tacoma today and ran into an RF Power Output Fail during the self test feature. First, let me run through my setup:
I have a 4' Firestik which is the NGP model. My Tacoma has a composite bed, so this solves my ground issue.
My radio has not been tweaked or modified for performance, however, I did do something to the radio for my application. I wanted to do a remote face in which I mounted the face of the radio/front board into one of the pockets in my dash and then have the actual radio unit under the driver's seat. I used Cat6 cable to accomplish this. My wiring was connected using Dolphin connectors for approximately 100 of the connections, the remainder of the connections were soldered. I checked each connection with my multimeter for continuity and everything came back fine.
After I extended the radio I powered it up using a quick 12v lighter adapter just to see if the unit would power after all of my work which it did. I built a plate to mount the radio in my truck and it's now installed and I'm pleased with how it looks.
I followed the instructions in the owners manual to set the calibration by adjusting the knob to get the SWR basically to the edge of the meter on Channels 20, 1 and then 40. When I check my SWR in each of those channels it registers below 1.5 (1-2 notches illuminate on the display). I had decent reception in my driveway which has some trees, and could clearly hear on multiple channels, including people who were claiming they were from Texas (I'm in MA).
Now, I ran a self-test on the radio and when I did that I pass the power (Test 1), fail the RF Power Output (Test 2) and pass the Antenna Test (Test 2).
I did some reading and didn't really understand much of what was being said. I did connect a PA speaker to my PA speaker output and was able to hear myself. I have not done a transmit yet to see if anyone can hear me as I don't have anyone local I'm friendly with that has a CB. I'm not looking to be a regular CB user but my thought is it's a truck, it should have a CB and when I go to the Cape I don't get great cell service so if I'm on the beach it's a good idea.
My thought is that maybe one of the wires I extended somehow came loose. I did have one of the wires come off of the soldered connection but I was able to strip back the insulation, reflow the solder and it held.
I guess what I'm hoping for is a direction to go in if need be. From what I've read if I can use the PA, I'm in okay shape as far as something being broken on the radio, but I'm not sure.
Thanks for reading!