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colossal 10 k


New Member
Sep 15, 2024
Guys newbie to the forum but been in CB for awhile thinking of retiring my Sirio Tornado 5/8 ground plane and thinking of maybe one of these
collosal 10 k antennas I know price is a tad bit steep but is the antenna worth the money and how hard is it to tune,my Sirio was very easy to
tune and performed very well just looking for something better,we just went through a cat 1 hurricane and the sirio took a beating so I am
looking for something a bit more robust any knowledge of the colossal would be welcomed and thanks in advance.

As @sp5it already said, performance will be similar but the colossal will be built like a tank.

I have always thought about owning one but the cost is steep for not much in gain compared to others out there. Maybe if I have extra coin in another life then I'll do it! :ROFLMAO:
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Thanks guys is there anything out there that is robust and that performs as good or better than the antenna mention above,I also was looking at the Hygain penatrator 500 I think it was but heard some people were having some tuning issues with that one and also the Maco v58,I do like talking skip when its rolling in Louisiana I just might stick me a beam up there don,t know yet thanks again guys.
Thanks guys is there anything out there that is robust and that performs as good or better than the antenna mention above,I also was looking at the Hygain penatrator 500 I think it was but heard some people were having some tuning issues with that one and also the Maco v58,I do like talking skip when its rolling in Louisiana I just might stick me a beam up there don,t know yet thanks again guys.
I don't know about the others but I do know the maco v58 is an outstanding antenna. A little tricky to tune until you get the hang of it then you just let it be. Maco recently put out some videos with tips and tricks to tuning. They way they set the antenna up was super easy compared to the way I did so if you go that route the vids will make it a breeze.

I did own it, was a great antenna both local and on the dx side of things. Unfortunately for me a brutal Texas panhandle thunderstorm broke the bottom section right at the insulator. They did send me a replacement bottom section and the antenna sits in my attic to this day.
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The colossal 10k is built way better than the sirio . And most likelybetter then spt500 and maco..it should perform just as good as the sirio ...not sure about better.
My SPT500 has been up for probably 10 years or so, has survived some 80 mph winds. The tuning aspect I think has been found to be a factory issue that was reported here on this forum some where. I think the DX Engineering site has the info on the wrongly assembled part that has been hopefully corrected.
I had 2 iMax antenna's before...1 snapped, the other was replaced before it snapped. The SPT500 sure is a lot quieter than the fiberglass.
The colossal 10k, although never having seen one, seems to have the advantage of a better quality materials and build.

· 9 months ago

Hy-Gain SPT-500​

Excellent when assembled properly, Not made as heavy as the original from 1970's but such is the american Way!!
PLEASE READ!!!! If you have problems getting a resonant antenna, Mine was assembled wrong at the factory. the center conductor from the SO-239 was internally attached to the wrong terminal. Needs to be attached to the side terminal not the center.. If not this will never make a resonant antenna..

Thanks guys is there anything out there that is robust and that performs as good or better than the antenna mention above,I also was looking at the Hygain penatrator 500 I think it was but heard some people were having some tuning issues with that one and also the Maco v58,I do like talking skip when its rolling in Louisiana I just might stick me a beam up there don,t know yet thanks again guys.
Hy-Gain SPT-500 is no longer in production.

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