Calculating SWR by knowing forward/reverse power reading?
Sure, 'Bird' does it all the time, typically send a chart to do it with their meters. Is that any more accurate than an SWR meter's reading? Not really, just depends on how accurate any of those meter readings are. That SWR meter just does that figuring for you electrically.
There are a lot of things that can affect SWR. Figuring out which one of those things is causing the problem is the job of the operator, unless that operator pays for the convenience of some kind of test equipment to do that thinking for him. Even so, the operator has to know how to work that 'doo-hicky' to know anything about what it's telling him. It just amounts to that operator knowing his "stuff". Then, it just ain't no "stuff", sort of.
All kind's of "but's" in that. The 'trick' is to eliminate them till there's only 'one' left. The hard part is having some idea about which "but" is more likely than another "but", and why. When you get to the point where the only "but" left is the color of the thing, then you'd better go back and check stuff again.
Nothing wrong with striving for perfection as long as you realize that you ain't never gonna get there. Close sure, but never 'perfect'.
- 'Doc
I think that after you ponder the in's and out's of SWR for the next couple of ice ages, you'll find that it's one of the most over rated measurements you can do overall. It's easy though...