Been about a week since last till in. Watered in couple times and fortunately light rains. Will have to rake by hand to keep weeds at bay, tiller got loaned out. Will be back week or so, have other plots needed around to accommodate seedlings started.
Seedlings coming up. Squash, tomatoes, cucumbers. Wondering if the bells, habanero, and wax will germinate (not included in pic). Starting green beans, jalapeno, and romas today.
Container squash blooming, hope they didn't get too much rain.
Cucumbers on other side coming along. Squash and cucumbers will provide needed shade for coop later.
Some bells, jalapenos, and sweet bananas starting to do their thing.
Cherry 1000's blooming nicely. I just eat these right off the bush. Very few make it indoor for salads, though have gone into chilli or pasta sauce nicely.
This concludes the virtual walk through of Covid Garden today. Apologize for any delay previously, we were experiencing technical difficulties and we are happy to be back.
Remember, don't over water the TP seeds.