I started having a problem with my oscilloscope CRT, actually the HV supply.
It started arching. I think the flyback transformer is PCB mounted and goes to a doubler or tripler, not sure which, but from there it has the HV line to the front of the monitor.
I think it is a doubler/tripler that is arching to the PCB. The thing is fully encased in epoxy and is about a 1x2" block. I can't find the part anywhere. It has 4 legs, I'm guessing in, out, focus, and DC or ground, then the insulated HV line out to the suction cup. :?
Anyway, any ideas on how to fix something like this?
It started arching. I think the flyback transformer is PCB mounted and goes to a doubler or tripler, not sure which, but from there it has the HV line to the front of the monitor.
I think it is a doubler/tripler that is arching to the PCB. The thing is fully encased in epoxy and is about a 1x2" block. I can't find the part anywhere. It has 4 legs, I'm guessing in, out, focus, and DC or ground, then the insulated HV line out to the suction cup. :?
Anyway, any ideas on how to fix something like this?