I never used a Cubex beam, i have seen there
website. I have never known of anybody or
talked to anyone that uses them. Looks like
they can be fed only Horz or only verticle.
Where S.E. Quads can use 2 coaxs to switch
back and forth between Vert and Horz.
I have a White Lightning S.E. Quad that works good.
But, it's alittle flimsy to me as i already had a large
bird pull out my fiberglass element from the hub....LOL
The cubex quad 4 element weighs 32 LBs, the
S.E. 4 Quad weighs 20 Lbs, so, it looks as if the Cubex
are built pretty good.
If i ever get any info on them, i'll let you know.