Radio drive ONLY ! !
Since it was sold in the form of a "Ham CW transmitter", you had to convert it BACK to a linear after you got the thing new. Most folks simply hooked a wire from the input side of the antenna relay to the cathodes of the 3 driver tubes. This causes the driving radio to "see" a high SWR, usually 3-to-1 or so.
Best advice is to find a gray-cabinet "Phantom" amplifier and copy the input circuit. The "Grid Tune" trimmer cap that was mounted on the rear panel in the "Phantom" model is soldered to a tie strip inside the PDX, with the same coil soldered in parallel with it. It was used in the "crystal oscillator" circuit that made it a "CW" transmitter as delivered by the factory. You still have to add the four-turn input winding to the bare-wire coil found inside. Never have seen any instructions anywhere for doing this. Once the original "Phantom"-style input circuit is in place, the trimmer cap can be adjusted for a good impedance match (low SWR) between the radio and the PDX.
Tends to improve the output power, along with making the final in the radio breathe a bit easier.