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Dash Mounting a full size chassis CB in a automobile

secret squirrel

Lustrous Potentate
Oct 5, 2008
Washington, PA
I have a 2017 Nissan Rouge. It has over 100,00 now. Plan to keep to 200,000 or at least give it a good attempt. 198,000 is best I ever made it to without a money pit like failure. I can do basic work myself, but my engine work ability became obsolete with interpreted circuits in cars.
Give me a 1978 Camaro, I might be able to give a worthy input. We had an 1987 Suburban as a paramedic response vehicle and the younger people could not drive it, no antilock brakes, lol.
New story- the dash center on the Rouge just has air ducks only underneath. I had an idea to mount one of my Cobra 29s, or Uniden 76s and an old Radio Shack scanner on side of center console. Then I would run the cables back through the dash. I would mount the speakers on passenger side near the floor. Would the heat cause and effects to the radio sitting open on the dash, or will I to add a layer of a heat reflecting insulation to the inside of the top cover, or am I overthinking.
Years ago I had a old Lafayette CB from 1976 wander off channel, because of heat, but that radio was already over 30 years old at the time and I used it more at the end of it life than ever. I donated it to local police for their mobile weight station van. Wanted to use the big chassis, since it may get replaced by an ARES 2 in the near future. Small box radios are fun, but size really does matter. I have the mini Stryker in the auto now. I am not a fan of the all controls on the mic. Small radio with M520 is nice. TY all.

approximate location? if texas, might get too warm on dash. in ohio, i have always mou ted stuff on the passenger side of the center console. big truck has had radio on the dash, but i always cover any radio, any location, so it doesn't sit in the sun. if you keep it within it's operating temp range, shouldn't be a problem with newer radios. cobra 29s are tough. had a uniden 78 last 20yrs in a semi. it was mounted everywhere and anywhere.
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