The MLA 2500 is probably the world's "most converted" amplifier, since the tubes were never made by more than one vendor. When Eimac dropped the 8875 from their catalog, that was it. I have a MLA converted to two Eimac 3CX800 tubes. Wanted a blower that would be quiet. Only way to get big air without noise is a big blower. Slung it under the cabinet. Had to build a plenum to force air pressure through the fins in the anode rings. Makes it look like it has a parasitic snail clinging to its underside. The 7-inch tall legs that allow air entry into the blower are pretty darned ugly, as well.
I have keyed these amplifiers with no drive using only one tube. This allows you to read the idle current (with no drive) for each tube, and judge how well they will balance the load. If one tube is stronger than the other, it will "hog" more than half of the load. It then overheats and fails prematurely. This is the curse of using two tubes in parallel. They really have to match, so the load gets shared evenly between them.
As for keying it with drive power this way, it's mostly a waste of time. You could load it up this way to compare one tube to another. Just reading the idle current for each tube separately is only half the story. This way you can compare the largely-reduced RF you can get this way, from one tube to the next. If one tube shows much more (or less) power than the other tube, they probably won't balance properly.
You won't see even one-third the normal power with just one tube. The input SWR will be high. As a test method, it can be useful. But putting it on the air that way probably is not.
Dennis just didn't want to build a tuned-input circuit into this one. Really didn't have room for it. That feature would have to be linked to the shaft of the band selector to select the correct tuned-matching circuit for each band. No way to make that fit.
The MLA has two tubes with an input impedance of about 250 ohms each. Those two cathodes in parallel get you an input impedance of roughly 125 ohms. There is a 100-ohm aluminum-body power resistor that has one side grounded, and the other side wired to the input pole of the antenna relay. This puts 100 ohms of resistance in parallel with the two tubes' cathode circuits. 100 ohms in parallel with 125 is close enough to 50 ohms for most radios. This also means that half your drive power never reaches the tubes. But this is about the right drive level to use with a 100-Watt PEP ham radio. This "quick and dirty" input circuit has risks, like a tendency to oscillate, as pointed out above.
One big thing to look for in any MLA is that big, shiny anodized-aluminum power resistor. You can't miss it, pop-riveted to the divider wall, with a big bare wire leading to the relay's input side. If you see that wire cut, or unsoldered, you can assume the tubes are toast. Taking that wire loose does two things. Increases the SWR the radio will be driving into when it's keyed, and increases how hard the tubes are driven.
As a rule, this gets done after the tubes have gone "SNAP!" a time or three, and the internal damage to the tubes has reduced power. Cutting that resistor gets you some of that power back, maybe enough to unload it before it dies completely.
These did get used on channel 6 back in the day. That resistor would always be found unhooked when the owner unloaded it.
It's not really an amplifier for AM. The heat those tubes can unload is reduced by the wide space between the fins. Not a lot of surface area. But it allows you to blow the air across them with a simple fan. No blower or sealed air-pressure plenum is needed like you do for closely-spaced fins. What makes it practical for SSB is that the average power you see will generally be under 500 Watts. And with a heat rating of 300 Watts per tube, you can get by this way.
On sideband.
But the continuous carrier power of your AM signal will overheat the tubes with a carrier power much over 150 Watts, or peak power much over 800 or so. Don't remember anyone using an amplifier that says "2500" on the front at 800 Watts PEP. That tube is capable of delivering a lot more power than the safe limit for its temperature.
But not for terribly long.