Well lets see...assault and battery....the slap on the guy they stole the keys from, and then assault on the second with the verbal threat. Nice police work there.
I was stopped about 15 or so years ago with a friend in my car. To be fair I had been blowing through a sub division a bit fast and they pulled up behind me at my destination in the parking lot. He was nice about it, but asked if they could search my car and I told him OK...go for it as I have nothing to hide. My friend had a "leaf" on his hat, but I have always been clean. I chatted with the first officer while another went through my car and found nothing. He said they found nothing, not even a seed. I said "Told ya" and he said either I was telling the truth, or I cleaned out the car really well.
On another occasion a different friend was pulled over at about 2:30am...doing nothing wrong but being a long haired early 20 something out on the road in the wee hours. They got 2 patrol cars AND lieutenant on scene and asked for the search. He agreed and the officers commenced to searching his car starting with the hatch area. They opened it and then called the lieutenant over and they closed it up and sent him on his way with nothing else said. The first thing they were his criminal justice text books for the classes he was taking and knew they had no reason to have stopped him in the first place.
Gotta love it.