I'm experimenting with a 1/2 wave dipole that I have mounted about 25ft up running slightly Southeast-Northwest. I've had the antenna up for about a week and a half now. I can hear quite a bit of skip from around the country, but the only contacts I have made are in New England. Rhode Island, New York, Mass., Connecticut,Pennsylvania. These are the states my antenna loves to talk to.
So just how directional is a dipole antenna? Some have told me thst my dipole shouldnt be too directional, but it is seeming that way. I feel like i may annoy certain RI stations because its like im pointed right at them lol. I can hear certain stations for long periods of time.
So just how directional is a dipole antenna? Some have told me thst my dipole shouldnt be too directional, but it is seeming that way. I feel like i may annoy certain RI stations because its like im pointed right at them lol. I can hear certain stations for long periods of time.