Hello - I tried to build a dipole antenna this morning. I built it according to what I found on the internet, or so I thought.
I got 20' of 12 gauge stranded wire, and got out 18' RG-58u of coax. I trimmed the wire down do 8'8" (left some room for tuning).
I powered up my radio and checked the SWRs .....10+ all over the 40 channels. I checked the end of the coax to make sure there was no contact between the sheilding and main wire, and there was none.
I could receive some, but there was also a lot of noise.....
I haven't tried the other radio yet, but I'm sure I'll get the same thing.
Anyone have any idea what is going on?
I got 20' of 12 gauge stranded wire, and got out 18' RG-58u of coax. I trimmed the wire down do 8'8" (left some room for tuning).
I powered up my radio and checked the SWRs .....10+ all over the 40 channels. I checked the end of the coax to make sure there was no contact between the sheilding and main wire, and there was none.
I could receive some, but there was also a lot of noise.....
I haven't tried the other radio yet, but I'm sure I'll get the same thing.
Anyone have any idea what is going on?