Well I had a doctors appointment with one of my Doctors at the Cancer clinic I go to here in Wisconsin Some of the side effects I have they told me they cant do anything else for that this is it so CROSS your fingers for me that these injections work for the Arthritis its bad enough that theres snot much else they can do if the intial disease flares up again so far so good I guess other than this side effect $h!+ I deal with but hey Im still here I guess thats most important after all my kids need me to keep them guided down the right path which there doing great with . I always just remember that there are people that really are much worse off than myself. This whole communications thing I believe really is a part of what keeps me going exspecially durring the school year when the kids are gone all day and my wifes at work. I think the biggest part is to stay strong eventhough I think my heart sunk when they said this is the last they can do for me but I guess the pain issues I can deal with and still count my blessings aslong as the Cancer stays away. I think I am writing this just to tell everyone that you need to live life like theres not going to be a tommorow and if ya love someone tell them as often as you can because you never know what lifes handing you and dont sweat the small stuff just remember theres worse things that can and do happen. I have been on this forum for a few years and spend alot of time here and have met some absolutely awsome people on here and have talk to severeal on the phone and recently put a few under my belt on the airways. I dont plan on going anywhere soon but who does?? I just figured I would leave a follow up for those who know what I been dealing with but I guess all is ok for now .. :shock: :shock: hhhhh and if I had as many radios as I do meds I think I could open a retail store LMAO!! Anyways Godbless all of you and thanks to all of you who have helped me in the past with things when I was under the weather exspecially mole linearone and yes Justin I cant have anything but Gratitude. Thanks for a super forum.........Tony