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doesn't make sense to me


Sr. Member
Dec 7, 2008
quick question so it seems both my 148 side mike Taiwan made and 200 gtl with the same mod from exit13
on a whistle, i see good watts 2 dead key forward to 7 but when adding audio it doesn't show the same swing. on a whistle. on the bird from 2 watts dead key forward to 7 watts but with voice only move the bird forward to almost 4 1/2 watts ???/
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Average reading meter, no doubt.

A whistle has a higher average audio power going into the mike than your voice. Makes the average modulated power of the radio seem higher.

A peak meter would reveal very little difference. And that's what they hear on the other end, is the peak audio power. An average-reading meter is all very good, but only shows you part of the picture.

This is why people use compression to try to give their audio more consistent levels like a whistle. You’ll never see the same swing as a whistle and if you do you’re certainly over modulated.
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ok been the radio is cold i decided to try again found the problem but need a fix
if the radio dead key is at 1/2 to 1 watt then when adding voice i see the watts falling off
but if i set anything higher than 2 watts the watts don't fall off hope this makes sense
which there was a way to upload a small video of it
from 2w. of carrier to 7w. avg power, 18.62w. pep, 9.31X
from 2w. of carrier to 4.5w. avg power, 11.97w. pep, 5.985X

modulation index far exceeds 1 (100%) in both scenarios,
amc is disabled.

measuring average power from 2w. carrier, 100% modulation
occurs at exactly 1.5X the carrier or 3w. average power.

measuring peak envelope power from 2w. of carrier, 100%
modulation occurs at exactly 4X the carrier or 8w. peak
envelope power.

no one @ exit 13 has any business inside these radios.
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The average reading Bird is not a useful device for measuring any type of modulated AM. Says so right in the company instructions. Unless of course, you're not interested in the power contained in the modulation.
thanks for the replies the issue might of been there from day one my focus is why only on low dead key 1/2 watt to 1 watt been this is where is the correct drive to run my solid-state 200 2 pill which gives me a dead key of 75 watts going forward to 110 watts when talking and yes the radio was tune using a 1000hz tone i'm going to upload 4 quick vids so you can see my complaint sorry about the shakes had rotator cuff full tare surgery and now my handshakes
here is the link to drop box to see what i'm talking about if there a diff way to share please let me know
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"dead key of 75 watts going forward to 110 watts when talking ...."

when measuring average power, 75w. carrier + 1.76 dB. or 1.5X = 112.5w. = 100% modulation. if you want some idea what you would measure using pep, multiply 110w X 2.66 for 292.6w pep, carrier level is 75w. using either measuring method. at @ full 4:1 peak to carrier ratio from 75w., peak envelope power is just @ or under 300w..

"why only on low dead key 1/2 watt to 1 watt been this is where is the correct drive to run my solid state 200 2 pill...."

because it's a class c amplifier, not designed to be used with am/ssb transmitters.
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the question never pertain to an amp or the correct drive the original question was and still is WHY only at that low power setting the power drops down when talking

"dead key of 75 watts going forward to 110 watts when talking ...."

when measuring average power, 75w. carrier + 1.76 dB. or 1.5X = 112.5w. = 100% modulation. if you want some idea what you would measure using pep, multiply 110w X 2.66 for 292.6w pep, carrier level is 75w. using either measuring method. at @ full 4:1 peak to carrier ratio from 75w., peak envelope power is just @ or under 300w..

"why only on low dead key 1/2 watt to 1 watt been this is where is the correct drive to run my solid state 200 2 pill...."

because it's a class c amplifier, not designed to be used with am/ssb transmitters.
From what you describe, your radio sounds like it has no "" swing kit "" in it.
Most radios, as you turn down the dead key, the peak will drop as well.

What is a Exit 13 tune?

I agree with Nomad:

A whistle has a higher average audio power going into the mike than your voice. Makes the average modulated power of the radio seem higher

And, as has already been said a bird on AVG is not the proper way to measure AM.


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