Had a few rouge signals come through yesterday, you know the one's that sound like a nascar going by.lol
Maybe something today.
Maybe something today.
turned out to be a good day of DX in NY...its been about 3 weeks...
I made contacts with:
645 arizona
4040 san fran cal
555 cal mobile
178 wash state
660 arizona
640 oregon
880 cal
87 arizona
412 arizona
Hello 739 - good to talk with you again in your mobile today.
178 Washington
Talked to WR1212 Hawaiian Islands on 38lsb using a horizontal wire dipole from NW Arkansas @ 2:38PM CST. 02/20/2011
Really great to make the long distance contact. I heard him on both the astroplane and the dipole, but he came back to me when I was switched to the dipole so I stayed there.
4040 had me on videogate the 15th but I couldn't find it !st time from the mobile too! LOL
Homer, I was talking to 1212 and a couple of others about the same time today on my little 1/4 wave radiator, the Marconi 7x. using my call Ole Gampa 390.
What call were you using?