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Emperor ts-5010 side band issue



I have an emperor ts-5010 that will recievr on the sideband channels but will not transmit on sideband. It recieves and transmits on am though. I would be grateful for any help on what to adjust or what to do to fix. :x

Hmmm. Cowboy, I gotta wonder. Could it have gotten the "Golden Screwdriver" treatment before you got it? Somebody who keyed it on AM and turned every slug, looking for a change on the meter needle?

Usually they don't receive too well after that treatment, either.

Trouble is, you need to be able to poke a probe into the radio and take a frequency-counter reading from an internal section to tell if I'm right.

If enough slugs get turned blindly, a legit tech will align the radio from "square one". Most SSB radios can only be aligned right by tapping into internal frequencies with a frequency counter.

If you're set up to do that, great. If not, you need to see somebody who is, from the sound of things.

I kind of had the opposite of that a while make on a Cobra 2000 ......worked great on SSB but AM would receive but no transmit .....turned out to be the keying AM voltage regulator mounted on the chassie went bad ....after getting help on that one I found out that it was par for the course on 2000s and 148s over the years .....may the RF God's be with you NVC25 ....it's always awesome to find a fix for these damned things from time to time ....it's just that those damned golden screwdrivers can be killers )-:

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