Also in same recent parts lot I got a extra nice late model Silver Eagle Head. There are only a very few tiny spec-nicks anywhere on this head. Not hesitating to rate the looks as 9.85 out of 10. Has the late model Silver Type Label as you see in the pics and very late MC 320 cartridge that has a paper "MC320" label rather than a paint-inked on marking. Probably a last or near last year made issue. Cartridge is 100% strength and loud clean and clear with great tone; sounds just like it should. All chrome screws as expected.
$60 Shipped Paypal GIFT please or mail U.S. Postal Money Order. Might trade for a very good looking and working D104 TUG8 or a Turner Plus 3 (only).
$60 Shipped Paypal GIFT please or mail U.S. Postal Money Order. Might trade for a very good looking and working D104 TUG8 or a Turner Plus 3 (only).