I have run across a few interesting pics with famous people or stars using CB rigs! <proof>
Some are well known but to start off is a little remembered one.... Pat Harrington Jr. as Dwayne Schneider in "One Day at a Time". A long running sit com from the 1970s to the 80s. I would like to guess as to the rig he is using? Maybe a Midland? Date of the pic is October of 1975....
73 mechanic
Some are well known but to start off is a little remembered one.... Pat Harrington Jr. as Dwayne Schneider in "One Day at a Time". A long running sit com from the 1970s to the 80s. I would like to guess as to the rig he is using? Maybe a Midland? Date of the pic is October of 1975....
73 mechanic