Well I am happy now that I got my first 20 meter contact, I was not getting any time to put up a antenna to get on 20 because of rain rain rain in my area. On the days we had a break from the rain I was cutting grass and trying to get my outside work done. Well I got sick of waiting so I decided to try tuning my A99 which is up at 36ft on 20 and got a 1.5 swr with my LDG AT 7000 auto tuner and made a contact with Cuba. I was pleasently surprised it worked, it must be very poor as it is so small but hey, if it gets me on who cares lol.
I cant wait till I can get the 80-6 OCF up to see if it works better than the A99.
I cant wait till I can get the 80-6 OCF up to see if it works better than the A99.