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First post. looking for antenna type and mounting advice

great white

Feb 18, 2011
Hi all.

Just joined and looking for advice on what antenna to purchase and what limitations I'll see in my chosen mounting location.

The set:


2010 Cobra 29 NW WX BT LTD. It's a tarted up Cobra 29, but still a cobra 29. I figured I can't go wrong with a base unit like the cobra 29, from what I've read it's a solid dependable unit. And, well, it looks the least like something right out of the 70's (except for the Cobra 29 Anniversary edition)

Basically, I bought it for the hands free, the weather radio and the ability to get some local knowledge of the roads as I go. IE: gator (separated tire tread) in south bound I-95 mover lane, etc.

Not an enthusiast, but I'd like to get as much of the until as I can with common setup stuff.

The truck:

1998 K2500 GMC Sierra, ECLB, fiberglass bed topper


The planned mounting location:


Stake pocket at the red arrow and just out from under the bed topper

The type of mount (for example only):


To further complicate matters, here's what the truck will be towing:


35 feet of fiberglass and 8 feet high at the rubber/vinyl roof. Closest point will be about 8 feet behind the planned antenna location.

The radio was bought for this trip:


I have done a bit of basic reading on the net and gather that the center of the cab roof would be best, but I'm not willing to mount one there. a mag mount there is also not possible due to the hieght of the truck.

So, I gather most of my receive and transmit will be to the forward and right direction if I understand the ground plane thing at all. Is this true?

Is the offset stake pocket mount going to be a big problem with the base of the antenna not directly above a horizontal vehicle surface? I need to use an offset because the cap must stay on the bed.

Is the 8-9 foot high fiberglass/wood/plastic trailer going to be a problem? What is it going to effect?

Also, a 102" whip isn't going to work for me. Could I use a 4 footer on the rear side passenger bed rail and get acceptable performance?

Any ideas on optimizing my system (besides tuning SWR) with the limitations I have?

Newb lost in the wild here.....just looking to get a bit of info as we trek across the continent...

Will your planned antenna location be acceptable? Yes, it should as long as you don't expect 'perfect' performance. It should work just dandy for your stated intentions.

Will it be directional? A little bit, sort of tending to the left front. It won't be noticeable much.

Will a 4 foot antenna work? Yep. Not as well as a longer one, but it should do well enough.

How will that trailer affect things, if at all? Good question, and trying it and seeing is about the only way you'll find out. It's going to have some affect, but there are too many variables to predict anything conclusive.

What can you do to optimize things? My first thought would be to tune the antenna with the trailer attached to the truck. Or, have that tuning done by someone who knows what they are doing. If you can wind up with an SWR of 1.5:1 or less, you'll be doing about as average as it gets. There's a lot more to really tuning an antenna than just SWR, but, for casual use as you intend, I don't think I'd bother.

If I'm not mistaken, I recognize that stake-pocket mount. If I'm right, you picked a good maker, just be sure it's for your truck. All stake-pocket mounts won't 'fit' all trucks. Unless you make some provisions for it, that mount will cause your bed cover to be sort of 'tilted'. Did you think of that, and would it make any difference to you?

What would I do differently? First off, I don't mind drilling holes in things. From there, it's a "Ford/Chevy" sort of thingy :)... Have fun.
- 'Doc
Apologies to the Mods.

Somehow, I double posted this thread in "CB's" and "antennas".

Could you merge them in one place please?
W5LZ was right on with his statements. It will work. Get a good quality antenna, and coax. Stay away from the cheap RG58u coax, Mimi 8 braded is much better. Antennas get something that is tuneable, Wilson Silverload, Firestick, ect. Make sure the SWR's are set with the camper on the truck as it will affect the inital set. From what I see you are going on a road trip and the directional factor should not be a big deal. Good choice of all around general purpose radio. Don't get the radio "screwdrivered" to death. It will work as it is for what you are using it for. Wish you the best on your trip. Ask questions thats how we learn.:wink:
Would a Wilson mag mount 1000 be good enough for what his needs are ?? He is not running 10 meters and he just needs enough transmit and receive for the Interstate. The stinger will be above the 5th wheel trailer. JMHO.
After a bit of reading, bit of searching and a bit of purchasing netted these:

1. Firestik k4DD roof disc mount, lug type connectors

2. Wilson FGT-3B "silverload" 3 foot top load antenna

The antenna is going on the roof in a drill through mount.

I already have a folding adapter on order and I'm undecided on whether or not to add a spring mount. Got a good deal on an 18 foot length of Belden solid dielectric core coax with the PL259 radio connector on one end and the correct lug rings on the other for the firestik mount.

I'm into the whole antenna setup for about 120 bucks after some careful shopping. If that seems high, I have to pay shipping on everything where I live. Closest truck stop or Radio store is 3 hours away by highway...that's 3 hour2 one way by highway...

The fold over adapter is a "pull collar" lock type, so it won't fold over with an impact. I would require a spring for that. I'm leery of adding the spring right now for added length and changing the length of the antenna too much. Not to mention, that's a lot of adapters and bits up there then.

If you reference the above pictures of the truck, I intend to put a "holder" on the cap for when I have the antenna laid back. Just something simple like an open nylon cradle. I don't plan to have it up all the time and won't be using a quick disconnect (can't put another adapter up there!) so something for the antenna to sit in rather than flopping around seems wise.

Still haven't decided to buy a 30 dollar SWR meter or try and use the built in one on the Cobra 29. Opinion seems to vary on if the radio meter is accurate enough or not.More research required....

So, counting the radio, I'm in for just under 350 for the whole setup (including the antenna book). Still not too bad IMO, considering I went for an "all the bells and whistles" Radio...

make sure you get the wilson silverload. the ones that flex are junk imho
i dont see any reason for a spring with that short of a antenna.
a roof mounted dead center will work good for what you want.
get yourself a cheap swr meter also

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