I don't mind helping our youth out with their fund raisers. Some of them are actually very good. One example is when our local high school football team sells a coupon booklet that yields about 200 dollars of pizza's and subs for the price of a 20 dollar coupon booklet,,,This at a local convenience store here in the mid-west.
I do believe that the cookie price point for the girl scouts is too high(i'm sure someone has info to dispute that as it is just conjecture on my part), so I limit myself to one box, because I know my wife will also buy one box. At that point when any more parent's ask, we say we have already purchased and helped.
And yes I touched on another point, the parents are always selling for the kids. The whole idea, i believe is to get the kids out talking and promoting their organization. I would much rather buy from one youngster that sincerely asks me than to have a parent expect for me to "just" buy from them every year.
Just my opinion.