a groupe of us in the uk do it on our legal cb band, we have tried different ideas, first the game was to be first to find the fox, each car worked alone and anytime any hunter calls the fox he must answer for a reasonable period to get a signal reading but that meant everybody was riding round not working together and only about 4 or 5 cars got a turn each night because it took so long to find the fox, now we kinda work together ( not everyone plays fair ) to find them and the game is who can stay hidden the longest which usually means more cars get a turn and its not the same few people finding the fox all the time while the others ride round getting lost, despite some of the 4x4 guys using some not so fair hiding places where us in regular cars have no way of reaching and a few people cheating by moving the fox car or altering their power when they see you getting close oh and the secret phone calls from bases that think your in their back yard we have a good laugh, we can only use the car antenna and no df gear, i made a loop and they banned all df gear the night i used it lmao, we have become so good that on average it takes 1/2 houre to find the fox in an area 25x25 miles so this year we will extend the boundry another 10 miles each way, we use anything from 150w to 600w as it makes it harder for them to get in the right place when your strong everywhere, if i sit on a hill with 600w fm then the less radio savvy guys think they are real close to me when they may be 10 miles away on another hill,, i use the most power ( and google earth ) and have twice remained hidden all evening and broke the next best record of 3 1/2 houres a half dozen times, once you are found then we all meet up in the nearest convenient location while the next fox hides several base stations monitor us to ensure nobody is cheating by varying their power, i know i know we are like big kids but its fun and we are all competitive :twisted: