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Frequency counter info needed


Active Member
Feb 21, 2022
New Hampshire
Along the years many frequency counters have been sold out there.
There were regular ones with the so239s in back and some with the so239 and a antenna built in so you can use without jumper cables.

Would anyone have a circuit or directions on a way to make or add an antenna on a frequency counter so the jumper cables/so239 is not needed.
Just place the freq counter close by, keyup radio and freq counter will read the frequency.
Possible add a switch to use with jumpers or the added antenna.


If what you're talking about is what they call a "bench" counter, with a BNC jack on the front, just wrapping an unshielded wire around the radio coax 5 or 6 turns and connecting to the center pin of the BNC socket will usually do the trick.

And if your counter only has the two SO-239 coax sockets on it, some internal surgery may be needed. Can't tell anything specific about that without a road map for what's inside that counter.

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