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Fuse needed and cant find anywhere


W9WDX Amateur Radio Club Member
Apr 18, 2005
Im in need of 125V 3.15 glass fuse its for a JVC home stereo tuner I have looked a few places and nobody carrys them in my area of Wisconsin. Do any of you have any or no where the heck to get them??? I tried radio shack out here also tv and stereo stores and had no luck.

Thats what I was wondering what an oddball fuse. I was thinking about it at dinner and Im gonna check that board and make sure it wasnt changed before and someone had the 3.15 in there because thats all they had on hand Ive seen worse done like 125 in where 12 volt was and th e aluminum foil over the fuse to get her to go trick and better yet man I keep blowin these fuses the factory is stupid gee it must need a way bigger fuse LMAO!!! OMG MY CAR BURNT UP MUST HAVE BEEN A FACTORY DEFECT OR SOMETHING I DONT KNOW WHAT HAPPEN!!!???? Anyways Im gonna check that out to make sure I should have did that right away :?
I remember the time I was up to my parents place and was talking to dad.He mentioned that he had blown a fuse for the welder in his garage and saw no reason for it.I went out to look at things and when I opened the fuse box :shock: :!: He did not have a spare cartridge type fuse so he inserted a large bolt on its place.Thankfully it was just a fluke that the fuse blew and he never blew another one in the 20 years since even with the proper ones in place,no bolts.
OMG LMFAO!!!!! see you no what I mean. That was great I cant stop laughing I cant imagine your exspession on your face or thoughts and the beauty of that bolt in there. WILD WILD WILD I tell ya.
It is funny looking back at it.Yeah that is my dad.If it doesn't fit beat the he!! out of it 'til it does or grind the screwdriver tip down to make it fit.The term "fine tune" just isn't in his vocabulary.The bolt incident just took the cake.When I asked WTF was he doing he replied "Well I was able to finish the job." I went straight to the hardware store and bought him the proper fuses.I don't know how much current it would take to blow a 3/4 bolt. :shock:
LMAO Im cryin laughing at that OMG I was choking laughing too funny. Hey Ill tell ya what if that bolt would have blew he better have been ready to duck and fast!!!
3.15 amp are very common in that type of equipment, they are a standard fuse and usually come in antisurge/timelag or fast blow types 20mm long but not allways, most electronics parts dealers should have them..

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