I have spoken to one of the techs at Galaxy and he told me that Bill Goode, several years ago, sent in a Galaxy with his Gasfet mod. It did reduce the noise floor somewhat, it made the receiver more sensitive, but Galaxy did not, after testing, find that it increased the adjacent channel rejection. It actually reduced it. Is this true? Do other components have to be changed for this mod to work? I realize Bill is no longer with us and can't speak to this issue but I would be interested in all techs thoughts on this topic. I also realize that they use gasfet of mosfets in Amateur radio gear and we all know how much better this works.
Also I know of some techs who use the Lou Franklind filters with success. I wonder if changing some of the diodes to Shotkys and using a Lou Franklin filter will yield similar or better results?
May Bill Goode rest in peace.