Receive quality in a different radio 'X' is a crap shoot. Which radio did you have in mind? Be specific.
Matching the amp to the radio isn't just as simple as plugging in a piece of coax. There are other considerations. For example, is the amp a high-drive amp or a low-drive amp? That is; does the input requirements of the amp able to handle up to ~25 watts peak 'swing' power? A low drive amp would be the wrong choice for the Galaxy 99V. A low-drive amp usually cannot take more than 8 watts peak 'swing' power.
The other consideration is a possible impedance mismatch between the amp and the radio. Example: it the antenna is seeing a SWR of 1.2 with the amp off and a 2.8 SWR with it on; then either the antenna is in a poor location or the amps input impedance is wrong.