This is going to be a little long, but here we go...
I’m having problems with the receive on my radio. It is a Galaxy 949
I almost always have to drive with my squelch turned off if I want to have a conversation for any amounts of time. If someone is right next to me it’s fine but if I am passing someone going the opposite way, about 2 or 3 miles is all I can get. Once they get beyond that then they will start fading in to the background quick. Then I will still be able to hear them just very faint. Then I seems like every once and a while they will sound good for a second.
They can still hear me good & I get plenty of compliments on the sound quality and the distance I am transmitting, but my receive sucks.
Also, during this if I am driving with the squelch off listening to other drivers in the distance & trying to pull them out of the background, the hiss of the radio will get louder & louder. Then after about 5 min or so it will go back quieter to the normal range for a few minutes. It seems that my radio receive is worse during the louder times & better when it goes back to normal.
I hope that all makes sense...
I have had it to a radio shop to calibrate the SWR on my antenna. And when I first got my radio I took it there just to give it a checkup.
Has anyone else had of even heard of this?
Please help because I would hate to have to take down my Galaxy and put back up my Cobra 25. Maybe I should put in my 25 to rule out the radio.
I’m having problems with the receive on my radio. It is a Galaxy 949
I almost always have to drive with my squelch turned off if I want to have a conversation for any amounts of time. If someone is right next to me it’s fine but if I am passing someone going the opposite way, about 2 or 3 miles is all I can get. Once they get beyond that then they will start fading in to the background quick. Then I will still be able to hear them just very faint. Then I seems like every once and a while they will sound good for a second.
They can still hear me good & I get plenty of compliments on the sound quality and the distance I am transmitting, but my receive sucks.
Also, during this if I am driving with the squelch off listening to other drivers in the distance & trying to pull them out of the background, the hiss of the radio will get louder & louder. Then after about 5 min or so it will go back quieter to the normal range for a few minutes. It seems that my radio receive is worse during the louder times & better when it goes back to normal.
I hope that all makes sense...

I have had it to a radio shop to calibrate the SWR on my antenna. And when I first got my radio I took it there just to give it a checkup.
Has anyone else had of even heard of this?
Please help because I would hate to have to take down my Galaxy and put back up my Cobra 25. Maybe I should put in my 25 to rule out the radio.