Thanks for the info.Like i said the radio works real good on the 2000.Talk some skip the day i got it. Right now iam trying to see if i can get a little skip its 2 in the morning here in P.A. So far i got down to the FLA.not bad for a white boy that dont know what he is doing. A lot of the other CBers make a joke about me going to YARD SALES and getting radios cheepI LOVE WHEN PEOPLE DONT KNOW WHAT THEY HAVE. ILL put it up for sale now and make some$$$.73s coathanger N.E P.A.Thanka againop:Base cobra 85 DYNASCAN 23 CHA.Got the switch for thr rest of the CHA.Get about 40 to 50 miles with the anp.on moble virage vx-38.This radio has the basic Cybernet PLL02A AM chassis. Built-in mike amp, middle-of-the-road driver and final. Pretty much a ho hum radio but for 5 bucks ... a good deal.
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